Todd Mosser Appeals Lawyer Pennsylvania

Filing an Appeal for a Civil Court Decision

Transcription It depends on what kind of decision you’re appealing. If there’s an adverse trial verdict, you’ve only got 10 days to file post-trial motions. If you don’t file those motions, you’ll waive your appeal. So, after an adverse verdict, you’ve got 10 days to file post-trial motions. Once they’re decided, you’ve got 30 days … Read more

Federal Courts & The Federal Appeals Process Explained

United States Court House

Basics of the Federal Court System In the United States, the Federal Courts are part of a three-tier system. Federal trials are held in one of the 94 United States District Courts. Each of these courts falls within one of twelve circuits, each with a Circuit Court of Appeals at its head. And above these … Read more

Pennsylvania Criminal Appeals

Court house Pennsylvania Criminal Appeals

In Pennsylvania Courts, every defendant has the right to file an appeal. This legal process is a challenge to the legality of the trial, and can only begin after a person is convicted of a crime. Once convicted, there are ten days to file motions with the trial court to challenge its proceedings. As soon … Read more

Complete Guide to Federal Criminal Appeals Process in PA

Court house

The federal appeals process is often a mystery to the general public. Inside the closed world of the Federal Appellate Courts, away from the eyes of both lawyers and the public, federal judges rule on complex legal matters. These courts keep sparse records, admit no new evidence, and maintain strict rules of decorum.  Their interpretation … Read more

Fees And Costs Associated With Appeals In Pennsylvania

How Much Does An Appeal Cost In Pennsylvania? Court filing fees standardized for different post-verdict procedures including appeals. They are established by state and federal laws. Attorney fees vary depending upon the complexity of the case and the hourly rates charged. Generally, more experienced attorneys charge higher hourly rates. Unlike a trial where a good … Read more

Limited Right To Appeal To The Highest Appellate Court

Comcast tower

The highest appellate courts in Pennsylvania and in the federal court system have more in common than just their name. The U.S. Supreme Court and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court each possess discretion to choose the cases they will hear on appeal from lower courts. Although thousands of cases petition for permission to be heard, only … Read more

State And Federal Courts In Pennsylvania


State And Federal Courts In Pennsylvania: How Appeals Work Both the federal court system and the court system in Pennsylvania are set up as multi-tiered systems of appellate courts. The highest court of appellate jurisdiction in each system is called a supreme court. The United States Supreme Court was created by Article III of the … Read more

6 Steps To Win Your Criminal Appeal & What You Need To Know


You should not handle a criminal appeal alone. A criminal appeal involves a complex area of the law and requires adherence to procedures that, if not strictly followed, could result in your appeal being dismissed because of a technical violation, even if your appeal had legal merit.  If you want to know how to win … Read more

Ineffective Assistance Of Counsel In Pennsylvania Defined

empty courtroom

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Sixth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution guarantee a defendant in a criminal case the right to the effective assistance of counsel. The denial of this right could become the grounds for appealing a conviction. The right to counsel begins once you have been formally charged … Read more

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